This is a composite of Solar System planetary images that were all captured from my balcony at home on 21/02/2025 with a C11 telescope and…
Continua a leggere Parade of Planets on 21/01/2025Il bacio di Marte alla Luna piena del Lupo
La mattina del 14 gennaio 2025 alle 6.30 il pianeta Marte era in congiunzione con la Luna piena. A occhio nudo si vedeva molto bene…
Continua a leggere Il bacio di Marte alla Luna piena del LupoMars
Mars imaged from my home balcony. Syrtis Major is the main albedo feature on display with the frozen north pole also showing up well. Single…
Continua a leggere MarsMars in Taurus Clouds
I captured areas of dark nebulae in Taurus and was lucky enough to coincide with the transit of Mars.
Continua a leggere Mars in Taurus CloudsMars 20-12-2022
C14HDEdge EFW2-XCel2X-ASI178MM RGB+IR 120 sec for channel derotated with Winjupos. Seeing in R and IR685nm 6/10 Seeing in G and B 5/10 Transparency 4/5 Jet…
Continua a leggere Mars 20-12-2022Planetary Imaging 2020
My best Planetary imaging of 2020. The images have been acquired during the period February-October. For Jupiter and Saturn was a challenge since the planets…
Continua a leggere Planetary Imaging 2020The Clouds of Mars
In the Martian atmosphere, there are three types of clouds, which are classified: Type I – “Blue” clouds So called because they are visible with…
Continua a leggere The Clouds of MarsMars, 2020-10-01
When the opposition gets close, the infamous EDge Ring that plagues astrophotographers on Mars practically begins to disappear, which leads us to conclude that it…
Continua a leggere Mars, 2020-10-01Il bacio di Ares
Scatto delle 8 in punto della mattina del 6 settembre Realizzato con riflettore 10″ su montatura dobson e camera di ripresa ZWO ASI224MC Selezione e…
Continua a leggere Il bacio di AresMars: September 13, 2020
Marte já está ficando bem legal pra fazer capturas, pode se notar o monte Olympus e algumas nuvens horograficas sobre o disco marciano seeing médio…
Continua a leggere Mars: September 13, 2020