SN1987A in Large Magellanic Cloud
Behold SN 1987A: The ghostly remnant of a stellar explosion, surrounded by a mesmerizing tapestry of glowing hydrogen-alpha filaments. This cosmic masterpiece reveals the intricate beauty of stellar death, where fiery tendrils of gas and dust weave the story of a supernova that lit up the cosmos in 1987, 168,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud.”
To note the comparison with the HST image.
October 24th 2022
Setup: ASA1000,Mount ASA Alt-Az Direct Drive Mount,FLI PL 16803, Astrodon filters HaOiiiLRGB 2″
Credits:E.Guido, L.Morrone, Telescope Live
Full resolution:
#astronomy #astrophotography