The Veil Nebula

A cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust lies in the constellation Cygnus, invisible to the naked eye but easily resolved with a small telescope. Referred to as the Veil nebula it is a remnant of a star which exploded possibly around 20000 years ago. The remnants have since expanded to cover an area of the sky roughly 3 degrees in diameter, about 6 times the diameter and 36 times the area of our Full Moon. The Sigma 105 camera lens used as a very wide field telescope here, easily captures the full structure of the Veil including often imaged parts such as the Cygnus loop, the Eastern and Western Veil and Pickering’s triangle.

Telescope: Sigma 105mm @ F3.2
Camera: Zwo 2600mm pro duo
Mount: Zwo Am5n
Location : Hanle, Ladakh, India.

Sii = 44 x 300s
Ha = 32 x 300s
Oiii = 52 x 300s
Total integration = 10h40m
Software :PixInsight

Autore: vikas chander (sito)