Saturn in Detail with Two Different Setups!

I’m excited to share a new image of Saturn, captured with 195 minutes of data using two different setups under average seeing conditions.

🔭First setup:
Telescope: Celestron C14 HD Edge
Camera: IMX462MM
Filters: IR742 + G Filter

🔭 Second setup:
Telescope: Skywatcher Dob305mm
Camera: IMX662MC
Filter: UV/IR Cut

For this project, we carefully matched the sampling of both telescopes and synchronized the capture sessions to achieve an unparalleled level of detail. The result is an image that showcases the finest details of the ringed planet, a true fusion of two complementary perspectives.

Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses
Celestron EdgeHD 14″ · Sky-Watcher DOB 12″ SynScan
Imaging Cameras
JTW Astronomy Trident GTR · Sky-Watcher Dobson telescope N 305/1500 Skyliner FlexTube BD DOB GoTo
Baader Green (G-CCD) 1.25″ · Baader IR-Pass 742nm 1.25″ · Optolong UV/IR cut 1.25″
Tele Vue 2x 1.25″ Barlow (BLW-2125) · Tele Vue 3x 1.25″ Barlow (BLW-3125) · ZWO ADC · ZWO EAF · ZWO EFW 7 x 2″ · ZWO EFW mini (5 x 1.25″ / 5 x 31mm) · ZWO T2 Tilter
Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Torsten Edelmann FireCapture
 Acquisition details
Date: Aug. 6, 2024

Time: 02:26

Frames: 10000 X 85

FPS: 50

Exposure per frame: 20 ms

Locations: Tunis

Data source: Backyard

Credit : Hafedh Driss && Makrem Larnaout

Astrobin :

Autore: Makrem Larnaout (sito)