The “Cave Nebula” in colorful RGB_HOO

The “Cave Nebula” (Sh2-155), located in Cepheus, is a faint yet popular object among astrophotographers. With my version, I attempted to offer a fresh perspective on this amazing object.
Shot at a focal length of 400mm, it presents itself in a larger field of view, and thanks to 17 hours at f/2, I was able to capture a wealth of details, which I later processed into an RGBHOO version. This involved using approximately 5.5 hours of pure RGB data as a foundation, which I then enriched with H-Alpha and OIII data.

Celestron RASA 8
Celestron Motorfocus
EQ6-R Pro
ZWO ASI 2600 MC Pro (Gain 100, Offset 18, -10°)
RGB: 326 × 60″ (5h 26′)
TS 2600 MP (Gain 100, Offset 50, -10°)
Baader H-Alpha Highspeed 3.5nm: 175 × 120″ (5h 50′)
Baader O-III Highspeed 4nm: 176 × 120″ (5h 52′)
Total: 17h 8‘
Bortle 5 (19.50 SQM)
N.I.N.A., Guiding with ZWO ASI 120MM and PHD2
Astropixelprocessor, Photoshop, Pixinsight

Autore: Markus Horn (sito)