Ngc 6820 (also known as Sh2-86) is an emission nebula associated with the open star cluster Ngc 6823 in the constellation Vulpecula. The most striking feature of the NGC 6820 nebula is the post (or pillar) pointing towards the NGC 6823 open cluster.
Around the cluster, lots of other pillars are visible. Dark “Bok” globules of gas and dust are also visible, where new stars are born.
Photo taken by Team ARO ( in South Portugal, Remote de France, from 31/05 to 07/08/23.
Some 100 hours of exposure were required for 69 hours selected, in S,H,O,r,v,b.
Set up Astrosib 400 on ASA DDM 85 mount. Moravian C4 CMOS 36×36 mm camera.
PixInsight and Photoshop processing.

Autore: Team ARO (sito)