In this image we can see a dusty area in the constellation of Cepheus, the diffuse molecular clouds are catalogued as LBN 550, LBN 552 and LBN 555 and LDN 1228.
GN 21.00.4, also known as Cohen 129 or RNO 129 is a small yellowish reflection nebula and compact star forming group in the much bigger dust cloud LBN 552.
It was captured between José García and Francisco Serrano, in several sessions on July of 2023 in a 2.6 sky bortle, on Moratalla, Spain.
Technical data:
– Constellation of Cepheus
– Fotografía: SkyWatcher EQ6R PRO. Esprit ED 80 PRO SkyWatcher. ZWO ASI 294MM- Astrodon LRGB 1,25
SkyWatcher HEQ5 PRO. WO GT81. ZWO ASI 294MM- Astronomik L-2 36mm
– Guiado: Zwo Asi 120MM. Svbony SV165
Zwo Asi 120MM mini. WO Uniguide 50mm
– Lights:
169x120sg (Astrodon Gen2 L) + Tomas de calibración
240x120sg (Astrodon Gen2 RGB) + Tomas de calibración
154x120sg (Astronomik L-2) + Tomas de calibración
– Total integration: 18h 46min