Abell 84 is a faint planetary nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is rarely imaged – I’m baffled as to why. This was an experiment to see how much structural detail I could tease out of this target as I couldn’t find much in other online images. All data capture was done around full moon. I went deep to get good quality data despite the lunar presence and used drizzle x2 for the first time to increase image resolution.
Image captured on my dual rig in Spain.
Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152 Refractors
Cameras: QSI6120wsg8
Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS
Blue: 7×300″
Green: 8×300″
Lum: 9×300″
Red: 9×300″
Ha: 127×900″ bin 1×1
OIII 93×900″ bin 1×1
Total Integration: 57.8 hours