Blue Micro Moon vs Super Moon

When we read in the news the announcement of a “super” moon, it is also explained that at first glance the difference is not noticeable. But when we compare side by side, a perigee full moon with an apogee full moon, it is very interesting to see the difference between a “micro” moon and a “super” moon.
In this photo I compare the “super” moon that I photographed on April 8 and the “micro” moon of this October 31, which is also a “blue moon” or the second full moon in a calendar month.
The lunar libration movement is also very evident in the image.
The two photos were taken with the same telescope and camera, so the scale is the same.

I used a Sky Watcher Esprit 120 telescope and a ZWO 183 MC Pro camera.

For each image I made videos of 1000 frames and stacked 35% of them, I also processed the photos in Photoshop to highlight the colors of the moon’s surface.

Autore: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau (sito)