Capture: Mineral Moon Location: Araraquara/SP – Brazil (Bortle 6) Date: 14/11/2024 Setup: Telescope: Skywatcher 254mm F4.7 Mount: Skywatcher AZEQ6 Filters: Optolong UV/IR Cut 2″ Camera:…
Continua a leggere Mineral MoonLungo il bordo sudest del mare Nubium
Luna in fase di 8,5 giorni. Settore est-sudest del mare Nubium. Nella parte centrale dell’immagine vediamo 6 grandi crateri quasi allineati, Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzachel, Purbach,…
Continua a leggere Lungo il bordo sudest del mare NubiumTsuchinshan-Atlas And Milky Way Galaxy
After Comet Neowise, which in 2020 brought Hill-Pub Comet glory back to the world of amateur astronomy. Again, in the fall of 2024, we saw…
Continua a leggere Tsuchinshan-Atlas And Milky Way GalaxyMars
Mars imaged from my home balcony. Syrtis Major is the main albedo feature on display with the frozen north pole also showing up well. Single…
Continua a leggere MarsApennine Mountains Region
The image shows in detail one of the most beautiful regions of the Moon. The image quality with the shadows of the elevations presents a…
Continua a leggere Apennine Mountains RegionVenus through Twilight Colours
There are some images, which, after you create, makes you happy. This is one of them. The image was never planned and I came across…
Continua a leggere Venus through Twilight ColoursFull moon high details real color
Mosaic with 65 panels Equipamentos: – GSO 8″ f/5 > f/21.9 – EQ5 Onstep – QHY 462C – UV-IR Cut – Celestron x-cel 3x Matupá/MT
Continua a leggere Full moon high details real colorUranus North Polar Cap
Uranus November 01th 2024 Good seeing and transparency conditions. The North Polar Hood extending about up to 50°N. The false color image is only for…
Continua a leggere Uranus North Polar CapSaturno
Saturno fotografato la notte del 13 ottobre da Roma. Seeing medio-scarso. Immagine ottenuta da un filmato di 6 minuti (selezionato tra molteplici effettuati durante la…
Continua a leggere SaturnoMontes Apeninos y regiones circundantes
Celestron C5i ZWO ASI120MM-Mini Frames: 2000 Frames efectivos 200 F:10 Df: 1250 mm Captura: Firecapture Procesado: Autostakkert + Registax + Pixinsight 1.8 Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda…
Continua a leggere Montes Apeninos y regiones circundantes