IC 2177 – Seagull

The name Seagull Nebula is sometimes applied by amateur astronomers to this emission region, although it more properly includes the neighbouring regions of star clusters, dust clouds and reflection nebulae. This latter region includes the open clusters NGC 2335 and NGC 2343.
NGC 2327 is located in IC 2177. It is also known as the Seagull’s Head, due to its larger presence in the Seagull nebula.

Imaging telescope: Takahashi FSQ130ED
Imaging cameras: FLI ML16200
Mounts: Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2
Guiding cameras: QHY CCD QHY 5 II
Focal Extender / Reducer: Tak QE 0.73x
Software: PHD 2, Astro Pixel Processer, PixInsight , Sequence Generator Pro SGP
Filters: Astrodon Ha (3nm), OIII (3nm) & SII (3nm)
Accessories: ATIK EFW3

Original Resolution: 3500 x 4186
Dates: Mar. 11 – Mar. 14, 2021
Astrodon Ha: 12×600″
Astrodon OIII: 15×600″
Astrodon SII: 44×600″
Integration: 6 Hours 50 Mins.

Autore: Brendan Kinch (sito)