Tenue polvere e gas della Nebulosa Oscura LDN122 (Lynds’ Catalog of Dark Nebulae) situata nella costellazione di Ofiuco, distante 522 anni luce e dal diametro di circa un anno luce.
Faint dust and gas of the Dark Nebula LDN122 (Lynds’ Catalog of Dark Nebulae) in the constellation Ophiuchus. It is 522 light years from our solar system, with a physical diameter of 1 light years.
About this image:
Imaged in LRGB over several nights in rural dark skies of Southern Africa.
Technical Info:
William Optics Star 71mm f/4.9 Imaging APO Refractor.
Sensor cooled to -25°C on my QHY163M.
Integration Time: 14 hours
L = 8 hours (Binning 1×1)
R = 2 hours (Binning 2×2)
G = 2 hours (Binning 2×2)
B = 2 hours (Binning 2×2)
Calibration frames:
Bias, Darks and Flats.
Astrometry Plate Solving:
SGP Mosaic and Framing Wizard.
PlaneWave PlateSolve 2 via SGP.
Pre-Processing and Linear workflow in PixInsight,
and finished in Photoshop.
Astrometry Info:
Center RA, Dec: 253.987, -16.200
Center RA, hms: 16h 55m 56.791s
Center Dec, dms: -16° 12′ 01.644″
Size: 1.6 x 1.07 deg
Radius:0.962 deg
Pixel scale: 3.6 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 273 degrees E of N
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