The photograph is made during the months of November 18, December 18 and January 19 with an astrophotography setup consisting of:

Telescope: Skywatcher MN190

Frame: Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro

Camera: SBig ST-8300M CCD

Filters: Baader LRGB 36mm

Guided: OAG Starlight with Starlight Lodestar

All this equipment I have transported for four nights to more than 200km from my house with the intention of finding darker skies, I have ridden from the beginning every night and spend the night photographing temperatures below zero degrees normally until dawn that I return home traveling again the 200km.

The photograph has 24.5 hours of exposure and I had to travel more than 1600km to do it.

Autore: Juan Lozano de Haro (sito)